Addressing challenges with:

Accessibility remains a significant issue in many countries, limiting access to various public and commercial services.
Challenges here include:
Limited expertise on digital and other types of accessibility
Lack of regulatory enforcement
Perceived lack of business incentives
Inadequate public awareness​

In the Philippines and other areas, individuals with disabilities face major workforce challenges, including:
Limited job opportunities
Lack of accessible training programs
Non-accessible work environment
High cost and length of education
Blatant discrimination​

Critical Services
With many struggling even with basic needs, the following critical services important for individuals with disabilities are even more inaccessible:
services to cope with or address disability symptoms such as speech or physical therapy
services and resources to improve mental health
transportation and physical access to buildings

Students with disabilities in the Philippines and in other areas face numerous educational challenges, including:
Limited educational resources
Lack of access to accessible technology
​Lack of training and resources for teachers
Insufficient support services
Basic needs like food, clothing, and shelter are inadequately met
No free school transportation